Unit 8 - Turning Points

Monday, May 21, 2007

Times of Change readings Section 1

Reading # 1 Dubious Crusade
  1. Dubious: doubtful or questionable. Crusade: A war for a belief or cause.
  2. Warren is wondering if the 57,000 US deaths in Vietnam were worth it. I think that maybe one of our essential questions will be whether the war was worth it.

Reading #2 History

  1. The overall theme of this poem is that there was too much killing in the Vietnam war.

Reading #3 Gulf of Tonkin Resolutioin

  1. The main thesis of this essay is that the "Gulf of Tonkin Resoulution" was based upon a lie.
  2. The GoTR was a resoultion allowing the build up of arms for the Vietnam war.
  3. The evidence that is given is simply the lack of evidence that American vessel(s) were attacked by Viet Cong. The Maddox took no damage, and there is no evidence that it actually was the Viet Cong that attacked them.
  4. This reading links to the "Dubious Crusade" in its doubt about the necessity of the warthat cost 57,000 lives.

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